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IWF Rocks & Wellness - Join us for an evening of learning, healing, exploring and shopping!

Details: This unique evening will showcase guest speaker Gail Whitlow, indigenous healer, woman entrepreneur (see bio below)

Enjoy delicious sandwiches catered by Vincenzos and glass of wine as you explore The Rock Space. You will discover beautiful crystals, natural rocks of endless sizes and varieties for home decor & garden, captivating gems and unique jewelry. (non-alcoholic beverages available too).

*Each guest will receive a complimentary bracelet from The Rock Space.

Guest Speaker : GAIL WHITLOW

My home is here on the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation. My mothers bloodline extents back many generations as a bear clan (shaking the rattle) woman of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. I am Kanienkehaka (Mohawk). My father was Mohawk, Turtle Clan. The power of this sacred land is pulsing through our blood. Our story here on turtle island is expressed in an oral tradition, passed through generations. The deep history steeped in rich culture. Our ancestors survived many changes and challenges but retain that deep connection to the land and spiritual knowledge.

I am the mother of 5 children and 17 grandchildren who are connected to their cultural ways. I am proud to see them walk their path. Being born into the bear clan family means a path of healing and medicine. I walk this path proudly. And I created little bears to follow!

I opened Ancestral Voices Healing Centre many years ago to offer alternatives to those seeking healing on their path. We offer many modalities to help with health and wellness.

From massage, reflexology, Reiki and many other holistic therapies, to Traditional healing (Pipe Carrier, ceremonies), Individual and Group Counselling, etc, I also offer group workshops, healing circles, and guided tours to sacred sites.

Founder of Ancestral Voices Healing Centre

Founder Land of the Dancing Deer, Land Based Learning Site

Co-Founder Grandmothers Voice

Founder of Sacred Sites Sacred Journeys

Co-Founder of Grandmothers Circle the Earth


396-B Victoria St N

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada


If you have any questions please contact Amanda Baldini at

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