In Canada, IWF Canada has chapters across every region of the country with a national membership comprised of more than 550 of the country’s most successful women in business, the arts, philanthropy, and the public sector.
We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, April 30th starting at 5:30pm at the Hunt Club Golf Course. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about our Chapter, get a glimpse of the upcoming year and to enjoy a wonderful dinner among our IWF family. This is also an opportunity to put your name forth if you would like to be considered for a position on the Executive. All positions are a 2-year commitment. Voting will take place at the AGM. If you would like to be nominated for the following positions, please send Allison your name as well as the position of interest.
Program Committee (organizing events),
Membership Committee
Global Virtual Meeting Coordinator
Dinner will be served to those attending. Please confirm your attendance by April 4th