Event Details

Experience an unforgettable evening with a gourmet chef's table dinner followed by an exhilarating Edmonton Stingers basketball game that will keep you on the edge of your seat! We will be joined by Edmonton Stingers Foundation chair Marcie Kiziak and will hear about the work of the foundation as we start our evening. Come and enjoy a perfect blend of savory delights and thrilling sports action!

Date: Tuesday, June 4

Time: 5pm start (please arrive on time to allow dinner to start and get us to the 7pm game on time!)

Place: The Edmonton Expo Centre

Parking: Further details to be provided to attendees closer to the date

Price: $75 per person

Please register by May 23

The venue will accommodate special dietary requests such as Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Dairy Free and all food allergies. Please provide any dietary restrictions with your registration.

Menu is attached.

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