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Please join us for an in-person, potluck gathering at the home of Brenda Kenny. We will gather at 6pm. We will keep this very casual, sharing appetizers, light fare and year end wrap up ideas for our coming season.

Aritha van Herk will lead us in a conversation about Knife by Salman Rushdie.

"Thirty years after a fatwa was declared against him, Salman Rushdie was about to give a talk about the United States as a safe haven for exiled writers at the Chautauqua Institution in New York. At the event, an assailant rushed the stage and attacked him with a knife. Rushdie was stabbed fifteen times and severely injured. He survived, although he has lost the sight in one eye, and sustained nerve damage. This book, published two years later, is an account of this close encounter with hatred and violence, and a meditation on the power of words in making sense of the unthinkable."

Please RSVP to confirm your attendance.

June 27, 2024 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Event will take place at the home of Brenda Kenny - further location details will be shared with registrants closer to the date.

You may purchase a hard or digital copy here or support your local bookstore or public library.

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CALGARY CHAPTER: Equity Diversity and Inclusion Book Club

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